How can I add a photo to my profile?
The steps to upload the picture are:
1 – Log in 2 – "My photos" 3 – "Upload photos" 4 – "Choose photos" 5 - It will open access to your computer and at this time you must find the picture you desire to add to your profile. 6 - Click "Open" 7 – "Start upload"
After you make the uploading procedure, we have a department to check the content of the photos added and then release it, so, it can be that it takes a few minutes after you uploaded your picture to that be finally published.
Additional informations:
If your photos are still on paper, have them scanned. You need medium resolution images in JPEG-format. (ending with '.jpg') The size of the images should not exceed 1500 by 1000 pixels. Our server resizes the images to the size we need. You can add up to 10 photos to your profile. In the right menu, you find the button 'My photos'. The brings you to the upload page. Enter the local filename of your images in the text field - you can use the search-button to find the image files on your hard-disc. Than press the upload-button. Please be patient. The upload speed of your internet connection is usually much slower than the download speed.
All photos are being looked after by our editors. We are very strict on the quality of images we publish on our web site. So the editors may decide to just delete the photos. We do not accept nude photographs, or porn. We do not accept images with insulting content. Also, even though we love pets and flowers, cars and motorbikes, the editors will delete them. If you try to publish porn, you will be banned permanently banned from all our web sites without further notice!
Ideally your images should have a width and height of around 1000 pixels. Our server will resize them automatically to the proportions we need for our web site. Please avoid images bigger than say 2000 by 1500 pixels (so called 3 mega pixels)
If all else fails, just send your photos by e-mail to us (our email address will your find at homepage under 'Kontakt'). Please don't forget to send your member ID too!
Ho can I add my Photos via mobile from my Facebook/Istangram Account to my profile?
Regarding the upload of photos via mobile from Instagram or Facebook profile, all you have to do is:
1 - Log in 2 - Go to 'My photos' 3 - Click the button '+ Photo' 4 - Click the button 'Facebook Login' or 'Instagram Login' 5 - Log in to you account at Facebook or Instagram 6 - choose the photo.
After it has been uploaded, you can turn it and write a photo discription.
When you have finished, click the button 'Save'.
Now you must wait until our worker realease the pictures: all of them are checked manually! Normally just some minutes and it is done!
How can I upload a photo, which I have in my mobile?
Regarding the upload of photos via mobile (if you have photos on your mobile):
1 - Log in 2 - Go to 'My photos' 3 - Click the button ' Photo' 4 - Click the button 'Upload file' 5 - choose the photo. You can upload only one photo at a time.
After it has been uploaded you can turn it and write a profile discription. When you have finished, click the button 'Save'.
Now you must wait until our worker realease the pictures: all of them are checked manually! Normally just some minutes and it is done!
What is the best size for the photos?
The best size for the photos width and hight of around 1000 pixels. Our server will resize them automatically to the proportions we need for our web site.
Please avoid images bigger than say 2000 by 1500 pixels (so called 3 mega pixels).
How can I add a comment to my picture?
In order to add a comment to your picture, all you have to do is:
1 - Log in 2 - "My photos" 3 - "Online photos" 4 - "Image Description" 5 - Add the comment you desire in the empty box 6 - "Save changes"
What is the profile photo?
The profile photo is a small picture shown in the main page of your profile. It is the first contact that the other members will have with your image, so it is very important to upload a very nice profile photo.
It is not exaggeration to say that this can be decisive to be or not to be contacted.
In order to be able to upload a profile photo, you must be aware of its criteria listed bellow:
- The member must be alone. - Cannot have sensual content. - The member's face must be sharp.
How can I add a profile photo?
In order to add a profile photo, please:
1 - Log in 2 - My photos 3 - Online photos 4 - Choose one of your uploaded photos as "Use as profile photo" 5 - there appears a new window 'Cut out profile photo'. You can cut your profile photo. Use the mouse to determine the part of the image for the profile picture. 6- 'Save'
Now you need to wait some minutes until our workers release the photo.
Which are the criteria used by the site moderators to release a profile photo?
The site does not allow profile photo which:
- Your face is not clearly recognizable. - Is out of date. It must be recent. - Have more than one person. - Is too small, blurry or partially recognizable. - Presumably does not show yourself (photos of animals, star's, cars, comic figures or from other people). You should be to be recognizable on the photo. - Have texts readable on the photo (contact data etc.) - Have indecent, insulting, inappropriate, political and pornographic representations. - Shows underwear.
Why the photo I uploaded does not appear in my profile?
After you upload a picture, it will be manually reviewed by the site workers.
This means that the upload can be successful but the picture is still not released by our Team.
In this case, we would like to count on your comprehension and wait until this work is finished.
Refresh the list of photos (My photos - photos online) to see if the photo has been already approved. Until your photo was approved, you can find next to the photo an information 'Waiting for approval'. It takes usually only a few minutes.
Can you upload my photo for me?
Yes! Sure! All our pleasure!
Please send the pictures to photos@ik-bilderserver.de and do not forget to state your user id.
How can I delete a photo that I added?
If you wish to delete a photo, please:
1 - Log in 2 - "My photos" 3 - "Online photos" 4 - "Delete picture" 5 - OK.
How can I delete my profile photo?
To delete your profile photo, all you have to do is:
1 - log in, 2 - click the button 'my photos' 3 - click the button 'Profile photo(s)' 4 - click the button 'Delete picture' on the right site of your profile photo.
You have to know that the photos, especially a profile photo, is very important by online dating. We suggest you to rething your decision.
Why should I upload more than just one photo?
You are in a dating site! Do not cheat your self: appearance does count!
Of course we do not mean that only pretty women/men get involved in wonderful relationships, but be sure that with pretty photos - made with care and love, in different environment and clothes - you will have more chances to enchant your desired partner.
The more photo you add, more chances you have to fascinate other members.
Your chances will increase considerably!
Therefore, find your best angle and explore it!